WELCOME TO EARTHTIME LITE FOR NETSCAPE NAVIGATOR 2.0 README FILE This document contains information about the EarthTime Lite 2.0 plug-in for Netscape Navigator 2.0. Please read through this document carefully. We recommend also that you print a copy of this document and save it for future reference. This Lite version of EarthTime contains most, but not all of the features of the full product. For more information, see Section 4. ======== Contents ======== 1. System Requirements 2. Installation 3. Starting EarthTime Lite 4. Summary of Features 5. Notes about EarthTime Lite for Netscape Navigator 2.0 6. Removing EarthTime Lite ====================== 1. System Requirements ====================== * Personal Computer running Microsoft Windows 95 or Windows NT 3.51 or later * 1 MB free disk space on the disk drive where Netscape Navigator 2.0 is installed. * 1 MB additional free disk space on the disk drive where Microsoft Windows is installed, to be used temporarily by the Install program. * Netscape Navigator 2.0 =============== 2. Installation =============== 1. Make sure that Netscape Navigator 2.0 is NOT running. 2. Find SETUP.EXE in Windows Explorer or the File Manager, and double-click it to run it. This unpacks the program files and launches the Setup program, which installs EarthTime Lite and then deletes the temporary files it created. 3. Follow the step-by-step prompts until the finish. Installation creates a shortcut on your desktop called EarthTime Plug-in. ========================== 3. Starting EarthTime Lite ========================== After installation, double-click the desktop icon labeled EarthTime Plug-in, or choose EarthTime Plug-in from the Windows 95 Start Menu | Programs | EarthTime Plug-in. In Windows NT, find the EarthTime Plug-in icon in the EarthTime program group, and double-click it. The first time you run EarthTime Lite, you see the Settings dialog, where you identify your current Local City (where you are now located) and Home City (where you live). These cities will appear in the EarthTime display with icons identifying them as Home and Local cities. You must select cities in the Settings dialog box before EarthTime can run. EarthTime assumes your current system time is correct for the Local City you select, and that you have selected the correct time zone in the Windows 95 Date/Time Control Panel. We recommend running only one instance of EarthTime Lite at a time. To view a description of EarthTime Lite, open the Windows 95 Start Menu and choose Programs | EarthTime Plug-in | EarthTime Introduction. You will see a document that describes EarthTime Lite and provides a hotlink to launch it. There are two additional ways you can launch EarthTime Lite from Netscape Navigator 2.0: * Choose File | Open File. In the Files Of Type list box, choose EarthTime (*.ETC). Open the file called EARTHTIM.ETC, which is located in the folder called Program Files\Netscape\Navigator\Program\Plugins\EarthTime. * Choose File | Open File. In the Files Of Type list box, choose Source (*.htm). Choose the EARTHTIM.HTM file, located in the folder called Program Files\Netscape\Navigator\Program\Plugins\EarthTime. You will see a document that includes a link to launch EarthTime. NOTE: If you attempt any of these steps to launch EarthTime Lite and you end up viewing the EARTHTIM.ETC document, it means that Netscape was running when you installed EarthTime. To solve the problem, simply shut down the Netscape Navigator, reload it, and relaunch EarthTime. ====================== 4. Summary of Features ====================== EarthTime Lite for Netscape Navigator 2.0 lets you monitor time in eight world cities simultaneously. The online help describes the program features and explains how to use them. To see the online help, right-click a city panel and choose Help from the menu. The online Help also describes the full product, which has the following features not included in the Lite version: * Internet Time Synchronizer sets your computer's system clock precisely using Internet time servers. * A powerful conversion utility that lets you convert among standard and scientific units of measure. * An expanded database of over 400 cities. Some of the key city information can be edited as necessary. Note about this version: Display of graphic images, including some EarthTime Help topics, can cause the EarthTime display to flash if you are using a 256-color video driver. For more information, refer to the Navigator Help system: click the Help menu at the top of the Navigator window, choose Release Notes, and click Known Problems and Bugs. ========================================================= 5. Notes about EarthTime Lite for Netscape Navigator 2.0 ========================================================= Changing Local City under Windows NT 3.51 ------------------------------------------ After changing the Local City, you need to specify the time zone, as explained in the online Help. If you are using Windows NT 3.51, the Control Panel window opens. Double-click the Date/Time icon, and choose the time zone from the drop-down list. Purchasing Information ---------------------- For information on purchasing the EarthTime full product, visit the Starfish Software web site at http://www.starfishsoftware.com. Providing Feedback ------------------ We welcome your feedback. To respond with comments, see: http://www.starfishsoftware.com/products/previews/earthtime /feedback/feedback.html =========================== 6. Removing EarthTime Lite =========================== Here is how to remove EarthTime Lite: In Windows 95: In the Start Menu | Programs | EarthTime Plug-ins, click Uninstall. In Windows NT: In the EarthTime Program Group, double-click the icon labeled Uninstall. Copyright (c) 1993, 1996 Starfish Software, Inc. All rights reserved.